Today, I've decided to make my first post here! (YAAAAAAAAY!!!) I've been here for a while since my friend introduce me to this place but it was only recently when I decided to start frequenting here. I'm thinking about sharing some videos I've made (if I ever finish one that isn't for school) and maybe a few drawings I have done that don't feel too embarrassing to share.
I hope it's okay with you that I'm going to start talking about my personal life.
My day today was super cool, my brother was teaching me how to draw SpongeBob and I think doing great.
My attempts to draw SpongeBob:
I liked my final one the best since it doesn't look too stiff and looks pretty good as a drawing for someone like me. Although, I think the shoes need to be a little bigger and I need to practice a bit on those hands.
I also finished up on a test animation for my new setup for animating. Nothing too different from my previous, just added a peg bar for extra stability and to more easily align papers. I'll probably get it all scanned then stitched together in windows movie maker tomorrow If I don't have too many assignments.
Ok, that's it now, bye guys.